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We start past examining the growth of MMORPGs from the early years of the Internet to today’s multimillion-participant online communities. Next, we provide the metaphysical play down for our study beginning with a discussion of the sociology of community outlining a definition of community for MMORPGs. We so talk over the role that ritual plays in defining community commitment. Research victimization structural ritualization possibility (SRT) is reviewed, highlight its strength for examining the impact of ritualized practices on community games desire xxx commitment. However, we critique SRT explore for non developing antiophthalmic factor quantitative explore programme. Using an telephone extension of SRT focussed along the product of emotional intensity, we develop antiophthalmic factor typeset of items to quantitatively pass judgment the role of 4 rite factors dynamics In producing emotional intensity and commitment to community. After presenting our search methodological analysis, we submit our results and discuss their implications for SRT and our sympathy of MMORPG communities.

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